Season in Whistler – pre departure
In 2015 i started the adventure of my life. It would spark a passion for traveling and travel blogging. I blogged about my snow season in Whistler and later my westcoast roadtrip along the way. Now I present it to you in a revised version. This first post was orignally posted at October 13th 2015.
Yes, the photo is heavily photoshopped. It was from Avoriaz, France 2014 where I did a frontflip indygrab onto a massive airbag.
Just one more week before I leave for Whistler. It is a huge challenge to me not having a plan for what I am going to do, or where I am going to live and work.
I mean… Normally I have things under control, right? But this is also one of the reason I want to do this. I’m getting used to the though of knowing where to stay until October 23rd, and then taking it from there.
I’ve decided to watch Art of Flight and Jeremy Jones’ Higher the next days, so if I wasn’t already craving for snow, I will be. The resort looks super dope. See for yourselves:
Oh how I just can’t wait to go!
This post was mainly to make sure that the site wasn’t all empty from the beginning, and hopefully there will be more photos and videos later on.
I will be leaving on the 20th of October, and arrive in Vancouver in the evening. The plan is to explore Vancouver for a few days, before going to Vancouver Island to visit my friend Maja for the weekend. Afterwards I will check out a few more things in Vancouver before going to Whistler, to wait for the snow to fall.
Should I get too impatient, there is always Origins Parkour in Vancouver (I did end up going, but you can read about this in a future post):
To be continued…